Baldness treatment through surgery
Dangling between the standards of today, the hair proves to be one of the gems in your whole personality. And keeping it in the eye, people today are ready to invest time and money in it to make themselves look better. In this regard, the nicest solution they see is the treatment of baldness through hair transplant surgery. The surgeon chooses either the follicle unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). With the wings and flight of science and technology, transplant surgery brings new hope. Men mainly undergo chronic hair loss with age due to genetic reasons and are more prone to pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. It is also predicted that the sex hormones can also be the cause of it as the thyroid gland can cause hormonal changes. In females, the hormonal changes may be responsible for baldness too but again females are less prone to it. So mainly a big chunk of this gender paves the way of their destination to the transplant surgery. The hair t...