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FUE Hair Graft

  FUE hair graft is the procedure for the restoration of hair. In a world where people are suffering from many diseases, baldness is also one of them. In baldness, the people inherit the baldness genes from their parents and exhibit the disease. This is a sex-limited disease. Mostly, males suffer the most. If the genotype of a male contains a single gene, then his phenotype will be bald. But if the female’s genotype is the same as the previous case, then she will not exhibit this phenotype. She will be bald only if she receives both genes. Since this disease is directly linked with the physical appearance of a person. Most people care about their looks more than anything, so they were worried about their physical look. Because of this reason, most people were becoming depressed and losing their self-confidence. Although it does not matter much to have a shaved scalp, some people are still uncomfortable with it. But modern treatment has resolved their problem. Nowadays, graft proced...