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Sixpack Body Fat Calculator

  Checkout our new and free six-pack body fat calculator. In your quest for a six-pack it's important to remember, - Women can carry a slightly higher fat percentage than men for a six-pack. - It isn’t just about body fat %. Train your abs to make them bigger and they will show at higher fat percentages. - There are 9 accepted methods to determine body fat % by measurement. You can select which method you prefer in the calculator below. We have included a quick summary of those methods to help you decide. Body Fat % needed for Six-pack Abs Men 10-15% Women 12-18% Body Fat Measurement Techniques YMCA Formula – You just need a scale and measuring tape to measure the waist. A good barometer but the least accurate. Modified YMCA Formula – Again you just need a scale and measuring tape. The calculation is modified and will lean toward a heavier fat %. Some critics say this is the more accurate of the YMCA methods. Covert Bailey Formula – Heavily used formula that requir...