Hair transplant surgery-baldness best option
Baldness is a very fast-growing issue Worldwide. This Distressing situation affects our young as well as older individuals. It is the Deadliest Nightmare for women. For men baldness is the issue that lowers their self-esteem & Confidence among Society. Losing 100 hairs per day is normal but more than 100 isn’t looking normal at all. It may be due to Hormonal, Micronutrient Deficiency, Environmental or Autoimmunity problems. About having all the disturbing reasons 80% Men and 60% Females suffering from baldness. Areas of Hair Loss such as Palm and soles are naturally hairless, because protein Dickkof (DKK2) inhibits growth. Clinically shown that 85%-95% grafts easily grow in transplanted areas. Baldness is caused by primary hormone DHT. DHT resistance removed from your head affected side and surgery done for transplantation through procedure. Procedure of treatment of baldness isn’t painful at all because scalp tissue is traumatized. Redness and swelling shown which res...