Hair transplant for alopecia
People who are suffering from pattern baldness can undergo a hair transplant for alopecia . Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Our immune system detects the follicles of certain areas of the body as a foreign agent and starts action against them. Ultimately, they are destroyed, and a person has alopecia. This disease runs in families. Although it can occur in both genders, men show more dominance as compared to females in this disease. The reason for this high frequency is that it is a sex-limited disease. The male will suffer if he has received only one gene from his parents. However, a female will only suffer if she receives both genes from both of her parents. There is little effect if she receives one gene from either of her parents. Looking beautiful is the desire of every person, but hair thinning problems are the hurdle in this desire to be fulfilled. In the past, no treatment was available and despite desire, the patient was helpless. But modern technology has revo...