
Showing posts with the label Hair Transplant Surgery techniques for baldness hair surgery hair transplant surgery surgery hair transplant

Hair Transplant Surgery techniques for baldness

  Hair translation process is a very fast channel in Aesthetic Surgery which is associated with the techniques under regular improvements to cover the scalp area of baldness. Follicular Unit Grafts (FUG) have converted work into better. Its results provide the capacity for people to cover baldness by surgery. The main objectives of it are the identification of anatomical structures, contraindications and indications of it. It explains appearance, arrangement and technique for it. There are some effective treatments for hair fall but in future hairs can't fall. That's why people use transplantation. It has many advantages like better natural results for the patient. Many doctors can perform this procedure easily.   2.       Types. Hair Transplantation process has two major types: Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). The doctor removes the skin strips of the donor and covers the incision by stitches. Microscope is used to dissect the skin of th...