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Hairline lowering surgery

  Hairline lowering surgery includes shrinking the forehead and pushing the slender forward. A single surgical treatment for slender lowering/advancement can decrease an excessively high hair. A woman's high forehead can be reduced by up to 5cm (2 inches). It is possible to modify the contour of the hairs by filling in the upper temporal/side areas, giving a more feminine appearance when paired with tuft grafting (in a second stage). There are two ways to reduce or advance slenderness. Both are successful procedures that produce modest and natural-looking outcomes for the patient. On the forehead, a suture is used to seal an incision made along the slender. After healing, the outcome is a thin incision scar on your scalp, which is created so that hairs may grow through it. There are more steps involved in this operation than in  hair transplantation , but the results are worth it. Sutures are removed within a week in most cases, and most patients recover in two weeks. This tec...