Types of Hair transplant
Hair transplant surgery is used to treat men who are suffering from thinning and balding. In most men hair loss or alopecia is caused by dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This is a hormone that causes follicles to thin and eventually fall out. This type of alopecia is commonly seen as male pattern baldness. In those suffering from this condition, postiche is initially lost in the temples and the crown, but the age can progress to include the entire top part of the scalp. However, grafts on the back-end side of the scalp is completely resistant to this alopecia processes so hairs from these regions are surgically transplanted to the new location where the follicles is losing its growth can last a lifetime. Male pattern baldness in doctors’ term is called androgenic alopecia, it is the only type of alopecia which is very common in men. Over the age of 50, 50% of them are suffering from this male pattern baldness. Research has found that one cause of male pattern baldness is the geneti...