
Showing posts with the label Important Health Benefits of Installing Salt Pools Auckland New Zealand pool builders newzealand pool builders

Important Health Benefits of Installing Salt Pools Auckland New Zealand

  You may have fallen across the salt pools Auckland New Zealand vs. standard chlorine controversy in your quest for pool sanitation choices. While both types of pools have advantages and disadvantages, saltwater pools are less well-known for their positive aspects. We'll explain why saltwater pools are so prevalent in private backyards. Instead of using chlorine, many people now use saltwater generators to maintain their backyard pools. When you hear about the advantages of a saltwater pool to your health, you'll see why. Protective for the eyes Eye irritation and redness are common side effects of swimming in chlorine pools. You might wonder how a saltwater swimming pool could be any kinder than seawater. Still, the salt concentration in a pool is significantly lower (about 3,500 parts per million) than in the ocean. Thus, the salt concentration in saltwater pools is similar to those in human tears. So it is significantly less likely to hurt your eyes than chlorin...