Low Sodium Water: What are the benefits of salt retention for the body?
We never eat our favorite Karak chai in the hot scorching sun, but we prefer a water bottle. But how many of us are yet inclined to pack the low sodium water as the superb healthy one, unlike the plain water? Sodium is the most important positively charged ion within the body's cells. It attracts water. That's why your body needs salt to hold backwater. We usually drink water regularly, especially sodium-deficient water, and the same amount of urine leaves our body, and the cycle repeats. It would help keep your body fully hydrated with the approximate amount of water it needs. Of course, we all need to use the bathroom after hydration, and we are not camels who can store water in the body so that we can use it later (although it can be beneficial), but there is a way to keep the water for a long time. What are the benefits of salt retention for the body? Add a small amount of salt to clean water. Remember that salt retention is harmful to the body; however, w...