Women’s hair transplant surgery

 Like men, women also suffer hair loss. A woman's hair transplant surgery can do wonders. Bald men are usually socially acceptable. But it is traumatic for ladies. Beautiful long healthy hair is a symbol of beauty for a lady, losing this beauty trait causes devastating psychological effects. Restorative procedures for women have brought this problem to an end. Now they can restore the lost beauty of their head, they can even restore lost eyebrows and eyelashes or can enhance both of them. However, there are very few of them that can benefit from restorative methods.


Numerous events can cause the problem. Whatever the reason is, it should be treated properly. Otherwise, no transplantation technique will be successful. Some of them are

·         Hormonal imbalance or changes

·         Aging

·         Illness  

·         Stress

Difference between men women hair loss

The restorations methods are similar for both genders with the exception, hair transplantation. It is considered predominantly a male solution. The main reason behind it is, female baldness is far different from male. Females suffer from diffuse thinning rather than clear baldness.

Man faces a receding front line, specific bald patches, or scarceness on the sides of the head. In the remaining areas, they usually have enough growth to donate for restoration procedures.

 On the other hand, females experience thinning all over the head. Not in patches. This significantly decreases the number of donor shafts for implantation.

 Women hair transplant Surgery:

 Techniques used for both genders are not fundamentally different. With the advancement in technology, many restoration procedures are successfully used for various types of female alopecia. Older techniques are not found very useful for females.

The choice of the best suitable method varies according to the individual requirements. Which method will be used is guided by some basic principles that are consistent in all patients

·         Thinning and thickness of areas both donor and recipient to avoid any damage to surrounding follicles

·         The type of female alopecia is divided into 5 different categories by the experts.

·         Minimizing donor site scarring

·         Availability of enough healthy grafts to plant in the bald site

·         available grafts of  different  sizes to maximize coverage


Women’s hair transplant surgery

Tissue expansion:

Tissue expansion is a traditional method for scalp repair. It is used to restore traumatic loss for both genders. Injuries to the soft tissues, burns, scars, etc. sometimes older and modern methods are combined to accomplish undetectable and natural results.

 A silicone balloon expander is inserted in a pocket created into the skin. Gradually it is filled with saline or carbon dioxide by the surgeon. When the skin is expanded enough to cover the bald area the expander is removed and tissues are repositioned.

Scalp Reduction:

Scalp reduction is a method to treat patchy alopecia for both genders. Especially to cover the top-bald area. It involves stripping piece skin containing grafts from the side of the head and stitching it to the needy area.

It is not an option for every woman. It requires healthy growing donor skin. Having enough elasticity to stretch the skin.

 The most modern and advanced techniques for women’s hair transplantation in Lahore Pakistan are FUT and FUE.S

Follicular unit Transplant:

In this method, the patient is given local anesthesia. A strip of skin containing Follicle units (FUs) is removed from the donor part of the head. Usually, it is the backside of the head. The striped site is stitched. Experts’ technicians carefully separate each Follicle under a microscope. tiny incisions are made in the bald site. After that FUs are inserted in a particular angle one by one. The operation takes a few hours.

Follicular Unit Extraction:

This is more popular and state-of-the-art technology than FUT, for women's hair transplant surgery.  In this process, under local anesthesia, grafts are taken out with the help of a micro punch instrument. The FUs are taken out one by one with very tiny micro punches that is why no stitches are needed. The FUs are then inserted into tiny holes in the recipient area.

These procedures are done in one or a few sessions.  Taking almost 2 to 12 hours sessions depending on the size of the restorative site.  Both are out-patient. Usually, new growth is natural and can be seen after 6 to 9 months of operation.

The results are great natural growing permanent hair, so ladies can grow them as long as they wish. Almost 80% of implanted grafts grow naturally.

Good candidates for women’s hair transplant surgery:

Women's hair transplant is a conditional procedure. It does not mean that they cannot go through it. But not all women that suffer from shedding are a good candidate for treatment.

·         Suitable candidates are those who

·         suffers from trauma, injury, or burns

·         needs to restructure the frontal line

·         suffer non-hormonal alopecia

·         suffer male-pattern baldness, well-defined baldness pattern, vertex thinning

·         Facing it  after some cosmetic procedure: facelift

·         Who diagnosed Marrginalis or Traction Alopecia

Final Words:

Women’s hair transplant surgery is a relatively quick and convenient method to get back a luscious and fuller hairline. It can radically change the appearance and lives of those experiencing anxieties and low esteem due to baldness.

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